Skimmer Love
Cole Porter said it first, "Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. Let's do it, let's fall in love" Here for your viewing is...
Skimmer Love
Elvis and the Judge
Close Encounter
Cheetahs in Hwange
Rhinos in Botswana
The King Vulture at Laguna del Lagarto
SANDHILL CRANES IN ALABAMA and a call to "shoot" with cameras
Will You Accept this Twig? Wood stork love story....
Time to Launch
Ballet on Dauphin Island
Least Terns - "Not my baby!"
Yanacocha Reserve, Ecuador
Warblers at Magee Marsh, Ohio
Saddleback Tamarin Monkey
Superb Lyrebird
Grey-Headed Flying Foxes
Swordbill Hummingbird
Andean Condor